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Combiné nordique
Photographers (and more) in Nordic Combined
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Hello! We are Nocogirls - Photographers in Nordic Combined. More specific: we are two women photographing in Nordic Combined and supporting women in our sport.

Money has always been a huge issue in our sport. It became an even bigger problem when the International Olympic Committee decided last summer to NOT allow these women to start at the next Olympic Winter Games.
Therefore we are providing all the women with high quality photos of the competitions to use in their social media FOR FREE.

Unfortunately we are facing high costs ourselves, mostly for travelling, accomondations and eqiupment. Each donation, even a small one, counts and helps us continuing our work. Nordic Combined women deserve to start at the Olympics and we want to help! Thank you! <3


3 Récompenses

Faire un don 50 et obtenir

Postcard from a World Cup venue

Send us a message from which World Cup venue you would like to receive a postcard

Faire un don €50

Faire un don 100 et obtenir

Message from your favourite athlete

Let us know from which athlete you would like to receive a personal message

Faire un don €100

Faire un don 150 et obtenir

Signed photo of your favourite athlete

Choose a picture and let us know which athlete should sign it for you

Faire un don €150

9 Sponsors

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